The fjord horse was all saddled with the 200 year old saddle.
It now needed to be introduced to Marie so it would be calm for the event.

The horse gave Marie a real once over and looks to have been thinking
- What! She's probably never riden more than a rocking horse!

But the handlers convinced the horse that Marie was a seasoned rider
and had put in many hours on that rocking horse.

The horse almost verbalized "Yeah Right!"

The back side of the old saddle

Here we are visiting with Bratlien and Bardalen relatives

The test fit of the crown compared to a painting of an original

This horse was real calm

Then it was on to Grettegård for another banquet on Saturday night

Everything we had at these banquets was presented with elegance

Here Sonja zoomed in on Marie where she was sitting in the next room

The main course was excellent Moose meat
