Updated February 19th 2022

Welcome To Our Web Site

Here are some wild Pictures

And then one day he was shootin' at some food...

An Albino Deer in Minnesota by Mille Lacs lake.

I scanned a bunch of old Foss pictures:
Old Picture Scans

An article written by Hellik Foss in 1873: Article

1888 Dano-Norwegian to English Dictionary - Dansk-Norsk Engelsk Ordbog
Entire dictionary Scans available here

Stjørdalsøl is a smoked beer brewed from special barley malt still malted Viking style
Click BEER for some pictures and links of interest to brewing enthusiasts.

No music room is complete without a Hardingfele, ours is named Aud
Click Hardingfele for some pictures and links of interest to Hardanger Fiddle enthusiasts.

A Canoe trip on the mighty Crow Wing river is as good as it gets.
Click Canoe Pictures for some pictures

She's big, She's dirty, She smells, She's loud, and She smokes.
Click Alice for some pictures
I made a page just for my Orange stuff: Tractor Page
WARNING! Here's what can happen when you play with old tractors! WARNING!

De-Lores and I have traveled to Norway a few times.
Click Ekte Bondebryllup 2010 for pictures.
Click Norway's Hurtigrut 2003 for pictures.
Click Norway 2000 with the kids for pictures.
Click Norway 1981 with mom and dad for pictures

I enjoyed deer hunting north of Blackduck from 1968 through 1996, not always getting deer but always enjoying the outdoors and the camaraderie. Click Deer Hunting to see some of the pictures.

Our grampa Bordson had a wooden puzzle when we were kids. Truman has been ever so nice and made the cousins each a copy. Click Troll's Knot to see one and the solution.

Now back to more pictures with no
apparent order that have yet to be sorted out

Louis O Foss' kids, their spouses, children, and a couple neighbors ca. 1944

Description of the above photo.
Seated neighbor Christiane Dahle, front row: Elvira, Evelyn, Eileen, Norma, Gudrun
Second row: Ole, Gust, Alice, Elvira, Myrtle, Roy
Back row: Joe, Louie, Kermit, Donnie, Oluf, Leonard, Noble
The forehead behind Noble is a neighbor Christian Dahle
Thanks to modern technology, Gudrun has been added from the picture Norma took.

A real mans machine - 1957 Cushman Eagle.

A joyful noise.

That's my motorcycle on the left - Sturgis 1990.

I lend Arne a helping hand in Norway 1989.

I'm off to teach the Norwegians to ski.

A difficult maneuver.

Etter jeg har lært dem å trinneslalåm.

My ski instructor, Arne.

Below are links to some of the best sites on the Internet.

Links for Old Tractor Nuts

Tools Dictionary

Song of the Pioneers

L.O. Foss Autobiography

In The Beginning
