Marie and Sonja ready for the Amerikapleik

Flekkefest in Elbow Lake 2003

While people waited for a Lutheran lutefisk dinner Oct. 27 2001

After surviving the lutefisk Marie poses with Sandy

Prairie Star Coffee House in St. Paul Nov. 17 2001


The following two pictures were taken at Sandburg Middle School where Marie talked about Hardanger violins and played a version of the Fossegrimen on our Harding fiddle for the 8th graders. Ina, a granddaughter of Veslehans Haavig, let Marie use the original violin Veslanhans played for the remainder of her presentation. The violin is thought to have been brought from Norway by Ina's great grandfather Hans Haavig from the island of Bømlo Norway. The violin is a regular violin, sounds great, and is dated 1716!

Marie teaching the Veslehans waltz to the Sandburg orchestra Dec. 21 2001

With the old violin: Ina, Marie, and Sandburg orchestra instructor Todd Weinhold
