
Donnie, Evelyn, Alice, and Gust

Donnie, Evelyn, Alice, Gust, Oluf, and Roy

Roy, Gust, and Oluf


Noble, Kermit, and the Allis Chalmers RC

It looks like a 1934 Allis Chalmers WC
It is at Oluf's but no one ever mentioned them having one,
maybe it belonged to Gust

Late 1938 or early 39 WC not sure where or who's, Ole's car

Looks like Ole wrote his name on the shed

Kermit and Noble



Tody and Noble



Ole and Leonard

Russel, Louie, Kermit, Noble, Gayland, Webster, Leonard, Oluf

Leonard, Noble, Kermit, Oluf and Ole

Gudrun and Webster Sorenson


Oluf and Tody

Elvira, Elvira, and Gudrun

Front Oluf, Noble, Kermit back Elvira, Elvira


?, Marit Sund, Elvira, Noble, Kermit, Gudrun, Oluf

Marit Sund

Not sure of the first two but the 4 on the right
Clarence Johnson, Noble, Oluf, and Kermit

Louie and Leonard

Leonard and Ole

Leonard and ?Holst?

Holst, Ole, Gina Holst, Holst, Ruth Golberg, Louie, Lena Golberg, Gudrun, Leonard, Golberg
Gina and Lena were sisters
Gina had 3 boys Ralph, Oscar, and Leslie
Lena had 3 girls Lillian, Norma, and Ruth

Front Gudrun, 3 Golberg sisters Gina and Lena
Back Leonard, Holst, Ole, Holst

Front Holst, Louie
Back Ole, Leonard, Holst, Holst

Gudrun, Golberg, Ole, Leonard, Louie

Louie, Leonard, Gudrun, Ole, Ruth Golberg, ?, Golberg

Oluf, Alice, Gust, Murtle, Roy, Elvira, Joe Harstad

The cousins
Kermit, Elvira, Donnie, Gudrun, Louie, Noble, Evelyn, Ole, Norma, Leonard, Eileen

Unknown at the lake


Clarence and Nora (Bratlien) Johnson and family
Three boys Raymond, Ernest, and Norman

Clarence and Nora Johnson and ?

Gudrun, ?

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