After cleaning it all up I found the PTO housing was cracked

Out to the parts tractor for a good one, I see the dash went from -2 to -10 in just a couple years

The output cover only went from -1 to -3

The Housing from the parts tractor is ready

The outdoor paint booth is not kind when the hanger support breaks

Finally taking on the final drives, they have fancier OIL decals with an arrow

The internals look nice and had gear oil - something the rear end didn't have

The oil pans from the finals cleaned up nice

With the front pedestal back together the frame rails could be attached

I had a set of brake shoes all set from several years back, I should get the others ready for future use

The finals will need to dry well before I try and balance them from the shop crane

The lift arms with fresh paint

A bit of assembly while I wait for the paint on the finals to cure

The final drives balance nicely from an axle strap

When everything is ready attaching the finals is really quick
